Thursday, September 30, 2010

This or that...

So I knew going into this whole parenting thing that I would have to reprioritize my life, make different choices and possibly give some things up...all for the benefit of my son. Who rocks. Hard.

When I came to this realization, I thought it would mostly involve things like:

For those of you that are contemplating having children, you will have to make these changes. However, what nobody told me is that you also have to make the following choices:

  • Your son will be asleep for less than 1/2 hour. Do you take a shower, or eat something besides a Nutrigrain bar?
  • Your son is in a good mood. Do you run errands knowing he won't start crying in the store, or do you play with him in your living room, even though you're sick of the inside of your home?
  • Your dogs have not been outside since last night and are still locked up downstairs. Your son is screaming because he's starving. Do you feed your child and ignore your dogs, or do you run down and let the dogs out and let your son wait an extra 30 seconds to eat?
  • It's 2am and your son just woke up to eat. You REALLY have to go to the bathroom. Do you let him cry for a bit longer and go to the bathroom, do you feed him first while you uncomfortably move around, or do you pick him up, manage to go to the bathroom while holding him and then feed him?

Fact - In the last two months, I have had to choose one of the above options to every fact pattern presented.

Additional fact - I've chosen EVERY answer to each fact pattern (except the last set of questions...since there are three options...and I'm not telling you if I did the last thing or not).

The reality is that these are issues that come up daily.

Having to choose between the lesser of two evils led me to the next questions - What would a good mom do? Am I choosing the right or wrong answer?

The reality is that a good mom would answer either way, and neither answer is the wrong answer.

I've quickly come to the realization that being a good mom isn't about finding the right's about getting through the day...making sure your child is fed, dry, happy and involved. My son has reached all his milestones so far. He has smiled at me almost every day since he started smiling. He stops crying within a minute or two of starting.

What does that mean? Well to me that means I've chosen the correct answer each time. The correct answer changes daily, and will never remain the only option.

Moral of the story - go with the flow and don't stress about the small stuff. Some days you need to stay dirty a little bit longer because gosh darn deserve the eggs and bacon.


Eating: I had a sausage and mushroom egg white omelette with wheat toast. I still haven't showered. I feel divine!

Listening to/Watching: Regis and Kelly. Meh.

Annoyed at: Kelly Ripa's body.

Shopping for: A diet/exercise plan that can make me look like Kelly Ripa.

Sidenote of the Day: It took me a good day and a half to type this blog entry.

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