Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Birthday Gift to Myself

On Saturday, I turn 37.  Holy Cow.  When did I get old? 

I like this age.  But today I will commit to making this the best year ever (which will be hard…because the last 36 have pretty much rocked).  How will I achieve this goal?  By choosing to make myself better. One choice at a time. 

I don’t mean to imply that I’m not happy, or healthy, or content.  I am all of those things.  But why settle when there is always better?

That will be my gift to myself this year.  Choices that lead to a better me.

My Choices

  • I choose to blog again – I haven’t posted on here regularly in a long time.  I miss it.  Although some of my posts have focused more on the serious…I want this to be a reflection of who I am. So be ready for a sprinkle of sass.
  • I choose to let go of the reins…a little bit – I’ve always been a Type A.  I like to be in charge.  Bossy?  Maybe a smidge.  I know that won’t change.  But it’s a bit refreshing to take a step back sometimes.  Let others make the decisions.  This choice will probably be the most challenging when it comes to my kids.  But nobody will know how good their parenting skills are until they aren’t involved in the decision-making process.  I’ve got great kids.  I’m proud to be a part of their lives.  So in the next year, I will sit in another seat. They can drive.  Sometimes.  And I will be in the front seat.  Watching.  Or maybe I will try the back seat. 
  • I choose exercise – I’ve started getting back into the gym on a regular basis.  It feels good.  An hour there makes my other hours better.  I need to remember that.
  • I choose happiness – after a decision is made, there are two ways to remember it…positively or negatively.  I choose the positive. I choose to make my next step happy.
  • I choose my battles – As much fun as it is to always be right… is it worth it? What is achieved when you fight every battle that you encounter?  There’s no better teacher of this life choice than a stubborn 5 year-old boy.  I know he will be my life coach in the coming year when it comes to choosing my battles. 
  • I choose dreams – You are NEVER too old to dream.  Adults forget that.  PARENTS forget that they can dream for themselves as well as their kids.  I’m 37 (almost), but that doesn’t mean I’m done thinking about what I want to do, what I can do and what I need to do.  Hopes, dreams and goals make me smile.  They give me focus.  They help with my drive.  And I need to think about them often.
  • I choose myself – I need to remember that I am me, and me is good.  No matter what size.  No matter what I’m doing.  I am worthy of where I am.

So thanks, year 36…I’m done with you.  This year, I choose to live life to the fullest.  I choose a spectacular 37th year.

Eating: Since I’m taking tomorrow off, I brought McDonald’s breakfast to the office for my birthday treat.  The vultures ate it up.

Listening to: Numb/Encore by Jay-Z and Linkin Park

Annoyed at: Nothing

Shopping for: Brown Boots!!  I need them.  Don’t tell my husband.

Sidenote of the Day: What was invented first?  The whip or the nae-nae?


  1. What wonderful gifts to yourself...and your new brown boots rock.
    I believe the whip - nae-nae question is one for the ages along with the chicken and the egg.

  2. I fully endorse this list, even as you're leaving me alone here at 36. *sniffle*

    1. I'll check and see if you can join me in a few months.

    2. I'll check and see if you can join me in a few months.
