Thursday, March 24, 2011

The annual South Dakota abortion bill...

I live in South Dakota. I am a mother. If I had to categorize myself, I would say I am pro-life.

I have posted a few comments on my Facebook page about disagreeing with the latest bill signed by our Governor. I've received some flack for it, including people assuming I am pro-choice because I have the audacity to disagree with the governor.

I am against the latest "abortion bill" that was recently signed by Gov. Daugaard.


Proponents of a bill say they want to make sure women aren't "coerced into abortions" what could be considered coercing. That is troublesome to me.

It is reported that these counseling centers will not be licensed, accredited or regulated. How incredibly dangerous to not know who is counseling and what they are saying! Chemical Dependency counselors are licensed and their centers are accredited and regulated. Psychiatrists and psychologists are licensed and regulated (and I assume accredited). School guidance counselors are licensed and regulated. Why would our state pass something that doesn't require the same level? Especially if it's for a center dealing with something as important and sensitive as whether to undergo a serious medical procedure that has ramifications both physically and mentally. And, quite frankly, something that will affect the woman for the rest of her life, regardless of what she decides.

Isn't that why we have doctors? Important to note for the purpose and intent of this bill - there are currently NO doctors in my State that are willing to perform abortions. The ONE abortion clinic in our state is in Sioux Falls, and they have to fly in Minnesota doctors to perform the procedures.

Why is my doctor, who won't perform abortions, not educated enough to counsel me if I ever am in that position? As a professional who requires a license to do my job, I find this so troubling. If I was a South Dakota OB/GYN doctor, I would be offended.

In the alternative, why wouldn't proponents of these clinics not want trained, licensed counselors to speak with women? Why would that be a bad thing? I can't wrap my head around that.

I strongly disagree with abortion, and hate that some people use it as a form of birth control. If a friend came to me asking what to do, I couldn't say "get the abortion," because I don't think that is right. I know I will get eye rolls from both "sides" for saying that, but it's the truth. It is how I feel and I won't change my personal opinion to advocate for pro-choice agenda. (Sorry to my friends who thought otherwise).

But right now abortion is legal. And signing legislation that is illegal in the hopes of fighting something that is legal does nothing but leave a bad taste in my mouth. It makes undecided voters think "pro-lifers" are crazy and believe they can ignore some laws and expect everybody else to follow their agenda through what appears to be force. It makes it that much harder for somebody like me to have a conversation with somebody who will categorize my personal beliefs with the pro-lifers that make the news...and always for bad reasons.

Interestingly, note the lack of voice from National "Pro-Life" groups. The silence says it all. This bill is not right. Oddly enough they are not jumping behind this legislation. Wouldn't that be something the authors of the bill would have secured before starting this fight? Or at least consulted with national leaders before pushing this through our state legislature?

Why? Because this bill was not well thought through...and haphazard legislation makes one step backwards, not forwards.

I am also frustrated that the people behind this bill thinks it's saving a life by preventing an abortion. What about that child's future? Where is the counseling when the mother isn't sure if she can give a child up for adoption? Where is the counseling when the mother feels some sort of resentment for a child she is going to raise, but "doesn't want"? Who is saving that child at the age of 5? or 10?

A life is so much more than a birth. More people need to realize that. If you talk somebody out of an abortion, I think you have a duty and responsibility to ensure that the life you "saved" is a life that is lived to the fullest. Where is the legislation on that?

Take time to educate yourselves, regardless of what your opinion is...because jumping in a flock...whether the number is 10 or 10,000,000 still makes you look like sheep. If you're going to do it right from the start.

And that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that I think you are fantastic and I miss you dearly...
